Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Second Life Olympic Games 2012

The 2012 Olympic Games in London is a mega-event for languages, cross-cultural communication, translation, and interpreting.

Check the BBC document briefing about the general planning steps forecasted:

This is what happened in Second Life for Beijing 2008:

In the course of this briefing, e-i-consulting has established Ning social groups and Second Life support groups, and has also become a member of Second Life groups focused on the Second Life Olympic Games 2012 in London.

The Ning social group and Second Life Olympic Game groups are:

SL Olympic Games 2012

London Olympics 2012

- According Ning social group:

The Ning social groups and Second Life support groups are:

Virtual Quality Management

- According Ning social group:

Virtual Help Desk Consulting

- According Ning social group:

Feel free to join, network, and contribute your strengths and resources for a virtual, hybrid, and mixed reality enhancement of the Olympic Games 2012 in London.

Second Life avatars:
Eurominuteman Jameson, EIConsulting Jameson

Virtual Learning & Giving Newbies A Good First Experience

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